The Movember Bewhiskering: Another Mustache Sprouts Its Wings

It’s that time of year again folks. The month when millions, perhaps even billions of men around the world start reforesting their upper lips again for 30-whisker-filled days of brotastical unity—all in a giant effort to raise money and awareness for men’s health.

I call it: The Bewhiskering.

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The Horrific Spilling of a Tremendously Large Purple Smoothie in My Office Cubicle

Let me ask you something. How many workplace office carpets did you completely destroy today?

At 7:15 I was at my desk, in my chair, ready for action. I began rifling through messages after warming up my dual computer monitors; ready to peruse my workload, man the phones, and batten down the Google Docs.

And then … before I even had the chance to slurp it down … the smoothie uncontained itself.

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Several Good Reasons Why My Wife Should Be Allowed to Legally Whack Pedestrians with a Pool Noodle

Look! Up ahead! Three aloof pedestrians stand around a smartphone in the middle of the sidewalk.

But why? Why did they choose to stand right there?

Don’t they know the space they selected for their powwow is typically used one-hundred percent of the time for walking? Even a fool knows not to do that. Right?

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